sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

An informal letter or e-mail

Hi there!
How’s it going? I haven’t heard form you for a long of time!
I’m writing from the hotel room in Bangkok. This is the paradise. I’ve traveled all over China and Thailand and now, I’m going to Australia. The best place I’ve been is Hong Kong. I love Hong Kong! It is a cosmopolitan and beautiful city, but is very stressful because there are many people, it is a city like New York.
When we get to Australia, I will go to Surfers Paradise, a very touristic town where you can go surfing. The last stop will be in Sydney, where I will stay for a week and then, return to Spain.
Well guess what you are right, Mum. And sister? As always? Where is she? Has she arrived to Lima? I look forward your news.
Write soon, See you on 24th!!! I love u.
PS: Take care of my room, you can’t get in.

A frigtening encounter

Last week, I had an experience that I’ll never forget. I was in New York with my friends. We were walking at night in the Bronx district.  It was very cold. While we were going home, three men appeared dressed in black in the middle of the street.  We turned around and started running but the men caught us. We were gun pointed and they took us to a very small park and told us to give them all the money and the valor objects that we got.  We gave them everything, and they let us go away. The police caught them and returned the objects to us. That night I couldn’t sleep and now, I can’t forget this horrible experience.

How has air travel change the way people spend their holidays?

Previously, very few people could travel abroad because there wen't any means of transport such as aircraft, or it was too expensive. People went tu nearby places such Salou or Tarragona. They had to take other transportation like the train, the transport of the poorest people the most used at that time, or car, but very few people had one, because it was too expensive. Today, everything has changed. Now many air companies offer a lot of flights for very little money. You can go to the other side of the world in less than 24 hours. However, in the past you spent days and days before you arrived and you had to go by boat and it was much slower.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

My friend Pol

My friend Pol is a 17 years old boy. He lives in La Barca Street in Flix, in Tarragona. He studies second year of batxillerat in INS Flix. He Has got two sisters, Maria, the oldest sister who is 24 years and Júlia, her twin. His parent's names are Olga and Kevin. He has got one dog, his name is Llamp.

He is tall and slim and he has got brown wavy and short hair and small brown eyes. He wears skater clothing with baggy pants, swatters, big shoes and a cap. He has got a black piercing and sometimes a new black and white cloak.

Pol is a good person, very friendly and very very very crazy.

Her hobbies are riding a motorbike in a forest, playing with computers, playing drums in a music school, going to parties, but his favourite is watching Plats Bruts and "APM", the best programs in the world.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012


ALBERT CALVENTE: Hi Steve, where did you grow up?

STEVE JOB: I grew up in a little village in Florida but when I was 8, I came to New York City following my parents.

ALBERT CALVENTE: How did it all start?

STEVE JOBS: When I was little kid. I loved making things with any objects. I was very imaginative and creative.

ALBERT CALVENTE: What career did you study?

STEVE JOBS: I studied medicine but I didn’t like it and I changed into the technology and computer engineering field.

ALBERT CALVENTE: You are married?

STEVE JOBS: Yes, I am. Her name is Loren.

ALBERT CALVENTE: And do you have children?

STEVE JOBS: Yes, 4 children. Two boys and two girls: Mario, John, Katy and Natasha.

ALBERT CALVENTE: What was your first job?

STEVE JOBS: I was working at Times Square McDonald’s for three months. It was a very stressful. I won’t do it again.

ALBERT CALVENTE: How did you found the Apple Company?

STEVE JOBS: First, I looked for partners and then I started to hire workers and very quickly, started to get the first Mac computer appeared.

ALBERT CALVENTE: What will be your next product?

STEVE JOBS: That can’t be said, it is confidential but we are working a lot and very hard on it and I am sure you will like it.

ALBERT CALVENTE: Steve thank you very much for answering our questions.