domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

A formal letter

16 Regent Street
19 January 2012

Café Royal
5th Street
Barcelona BD2 1RM
19 January 2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a meal my family and I had in the Café Royal restaurant last Saturday night.


We have eaten in this restaurant on many occasions and the background music has always been very low and pleasant. However, on this particular evening the music was terribly loud, almost deafening. When the waiter took our order, I asked him politely if he could turn the music down, which he did.


However, while we were eating, the music was turned up again and we could hardly hear ourselves speak. This time I asked to see the manager. He spoke to us in an extremely rude and unfriendly way. He told us that we were the only customers who asked if the music could be turned down. We were so angry we decided to leave without ending our meal.

I will not come back to your restaurant again unless I receive an explanation and an apology for the unacceptable treatment we received.

Yours faithfully,

Albert Calvente

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